拍摄霓虹灯不像拍摄普通的风景或人脸照片. That’s because the subject is self-illuminating! 你正在拍摄光源的照片,所以你的方法需要稍微不同.


This sort of photography can be fun. 我们都看过那些繁忙的城市十字路口和高架公路上的镜头,汽车的头灯和尾灯模糊成长长的条纹. But, 霓虹灯摄影是很棘手的,不像你拍过的任何其他照片. 


Fortunately, 这篇文章可以帮助你在明亮的光线下完善你的手艺. Throughout this article, 我们将介绍一些技巧和技巧,你可以用来做一个合理的工作, followed by some FAQs about taking photos at The Neon Museum in Las Vegas.

Neon Photography Tips And Tricks


Switch Up The Angle


The first thing you should try doing is switching up the angle. 试着从下面或侧面拍摄霓虹灯,同时遵守规则 rule of thirds. 这些不规则的角度可以使霓虹灯看起来比现实生活中的照片更令人印象深刻. 此外,这种类型的拍摄比正面拍摄产生更多的视觉兴趣.


Take Photos At Night


Another pro tip is to take pictures of neon signs at night. You might say, “Well, duh,” but there’s an excellent reason for this. Complete darkness emphasizes the light source and the texture of the surrounding surfaces, not just the subject.


我们都看过夜间拍摄的城市街道标志的照片,你可以看到下面潮湿人行道的每一个轮廓. It’s like you’re looking at a 4K screen for the first time! 这是因为在黑暗的环境中,人眼通常看不到这么多细节.


Experiment With Long Exposures


You can also try playing around with long exposures to saturate your photos. This technique gives shots an other-worldly appearance, changing the dynamics of the resulting images. 你通常在手机上无法获得这种类型的照片,所以你需要一个 DSLR or equivalent. 你可能还需要一个三脚架(让相机在曝光过程中保持静止)和可以调整ISO和光圈的选项. 


你可能不会第一次完美地拍出长时间曝光的照片,但要坚持练习. 微调曝光时间取决于照明条件,直到你得到让你满意的东西.


Don’t Shoot In JPEG Mode


While JPEG is a convenient format, it’s not ideal for neon photography. It causes image data loss by default, which can ruin the desired effect. 要想让你的霓虹灯照片真正脱颖而出,RAW格式是一个更好的格式.


RAW模式保留了更多的原始图像数据,可以提供包含大量细节的更清晰的图像. If you don’t have much space on your camera or device, 您可以稍后尝试缩小照片的尺寸,或者将它们传输到计算机硬盘驱动器上. 您还可以选择使用各种压缩算法,以便在编辑之前查看哪种算法保留了您想要的美感. 


Adjust Your Camera’s White Balance


霓虹灯摄影的另一个专业技巧是调整白平衡. 如果这个设置稍微偏离,它会使图像看起来过于饱和和不自然. Of course, you might want this. But generally speaking, it’s not the best approach. 


如果你的相机有色温选项,改变它,看看什么是有效的. 调整开尔文刻度,以提高对比度和清晰度,而不会使图像看起来像冲洗. 


Don’t Pick A Busy Place


这一点似乎是显而易见的,但避开繁忙的地方也是霓虹灯摄影的另一个技巧. Downtown areas, in any city, 周六晚上通常挤满了人,准备破坏你的拍摄. 在市中心外找到霓虹灯是可能的,但你必须睁大眼睛. Most are in places like piers or out-of-town shopping districts, which, fortunately for you, are usually abandoned after dark. 


If you live in Las Vegas or are just visiting the area, you can always head to the Neon Museum to find a plethora of neon signs to experiment and practice with. Here, 你会发现有很多机会在闲暇时拍摄当代和复古霓虹灯的纯粹照片.


Avoid Overexposure


Another key element is to avoid overexposure, a common problem when photography neon signs for many photographers. 把相机快门开得太久会冲淡细节,使照片看起来很业余. Again, you will need to play around with shutter exposure time. Often, 您需要在零点几秒内调整时间间隔以获得最佳效果.


Shoot During The Rain


在雨中拍摄是另一种拍摄霓虹灯的好方法. 光线可以反射周围窗玻璃和人行道上的水滴, improving the detail and complexity of the final image further. 通过这样做,你一定会得到一个真正脱颖而出的镜头,给你的观众留下深刻的印象!


Add A Human Subject


Finally, you might consider adding a human subject to your shots. 霓虹灯为肖像提供了令人惊叹的照明,给他们一种朴实、神秘的感觉. 此外,更少的光线会迫使你在使用相机时更有创意. The subject’s position in the scene becomes paramount, and you must prioritize specific elements in the image. 稍微改变他们的位置可以从根本上改变肖像和图像的结果.



What opportunities does the Neon Museum offer?


十大买球平台提供各种拍摄霓虹灯的机会. Events include Portrait Hour, the Photo Walk, and a private shoot. Visit The Neon Museum today!


Can companies take pictures of neon signs at the Neon Museum? 


欢迎各公司在十大买球平台拍摄编辑或商业用途的照片. Simply book a private shoot. You are free to bring your tripod and camera equipment with you. 


Is the Neon Museum an indoor venue? 


The Neon Museum is not an indoor venue. 我们所有的拍照机会都在室外,所以我们建议在预订前考虑一下温度. The mercury can hit 49°C in our area in the summer. 


What is the portrait hour? 


Portrait Hour是一个与您自己的摄影师在共享空间拍摄个人肖像的机会. 费用仅为75美元,退伍军人、当地居民和学生的费用更低. 


What are photo walks? 


拍照散步是在您闲暇时用您选择的设备拍摄标志集合照片的机会. Discounts are available for Nevada residents, seniors, veterans, and students with valid identification. 


如果你对在十大买球平台拍摄霓虹灯照片还有疑问, please explore the rest of our FAQs as well as our film & photographer policy to ensure that you are fully prepared for your shoot.


无论你是在拉斯维加斯还是其他霓虹灯是城市关键元素的明亮城市, 这个博客应该帮助你为即将到来的拍摄做好准备,捕捉美丽的灯光,并最终得到一张你自豪地分享的照片. Get out there and start shooting!

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